Posts by Caitlin Terry
Our Partnership with DBSA

Robert Louis Stevenson School's Parent-to-Parent Network (P2P Network) is proud to partner with the Depression 和 Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA National) for the second consecutive year. P2P Network offers parent-driven support 和 resources in live meetings. Click here to read more about P2P 和 see the 2023-2024 support group schedule.

Caitlin Terry
的 Senior Readiness Project

的 Senior Readiness Project is an opportunity for students to reflect upon their academic 和 emotional growth in high school; explore in writing their strengths, challenges, 和 strategies that have been helpful for them; 和 make a comprehensive plan for the following year.

Caitlin Terry
Field Day

Field Day in Central Park offered a variety of options for students, including kickball, sun prints, card games, 菅直人果酱, ultimate frisbee 和 more. Concluding with a community lunch, it was a wonderful day for students to enjoy time together outside. 

Caitlin Terry
的 Crucible

Stevenson was transformed into a Salem Courthouse for our performance of 的 Crucible, led by Performing 艺术 teacher Jackie Silvestri. A few weeks later, the student performers were invited to take part in a “bewitching” cast party!

Caitlin Terry
Stevenson Mosaic

On a Friday evening in April we gathered with students, parents, 和 staff for Stevenson Mosaic, where students shared their poetry, monologues, songs, 和 more!

Caitlin Terry